Friday, June 13, 2008

Flashback Friday...or not

Today has been an interesting day. I had the day off from work because I "get" to work tomorrow. So I spent most of the day with Steve, being silly and dancing around the house while he looked at me as if I had gone crazy. At one point he said I was driving him nuts. So I asked him "do you wish I was at work yet?" To this he responded very promptly "no". Good. I was just driving him nuts. He still wanted me there, just in maybe a less crazy mode. I told him he needed to be grateful that I was hyper because it doesn't happen enough. Among being hyper, I was very relaxed. This doesn't happen nearly enough for me. I need to fix that...

After Steve left for work I decided to go play at Britta's house. I don't do it often enough and even though it was only for a few hours it is always a treat for me. I love playing with Abby and Landon. I even "helped" Abby clean her room. She wanted me to toss her on the bed repeatedly. So I told her pick up three toys and then I will. Each time she wanted to be tossed she had to pick up three toys before I would. It got the room clean pretty quick!

After I left her house my evening got less relaxing. I did some shopping, some casual/fun and some not so much. By the time I got home (15 minutes ago) I realized I had not eaten any dinner and I am now emotional and frustrated. The Reader's Digest condensed version is, I'm not going to post my Flashback Friday topic tonight. Maybe tomorrow, after I am home from work, while Steve is in Logan working. Yeah. We'll see.