Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Moving Forward

I had my appointment with the surgeon today. It was laid out to me that there really weren't many "real" options. Because of the severity and frequency of my attacks not having my gallbladder removed is the best option.

Steve went with me and asked, "Are there any other options?" The surgeon simply said, "Yes, you can be in pain." He also said there is a medication that I could take to break up the stones...for the rest of my life, and they do not know the side effects of taking it that long. Ummm, no thanks! I could also have an ultrasound to break up the stones. The problem with the ultrasound is that there isn't even one of the machines needed for it in the state of Utah. There are more complications with that than there is with the surgery.

So, you guessed it, I opted to just have it removed. Both my parents have had the surgery and they seem to be pretty darn healthy. The doctor is headed out of town this weekend and said he could fit me in on Thursday, otherwise I would have to wait about 2 weeks. Again, ummm, no thanks! If I am going to do it let's just get it done. The surgery will be done laparoscopically and I should be able to go home the same day. I don't know what time yet, I will find that out tomorrow.

Regardless, I will likely not be posting for a while. Maybe I'll see if Steve can at least post an update to let everyone know how I am doing. We'll see.