Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's too early!

Last night I showered and washed my hair so that this morning all I would have to do is put on my clothes, brush my teeth, take my medicine and go out the door. I set my alarm with plenty of time for a little snooze button action, but we both slept so rough last night that we didn't need it. We got the "I'm anticipating a certain event tomorrow" sleep. You all know what I am talking about... Steve and I are up and ready to go with plenty of time to spare. Steve is not feeling well and I'm just plain tired.

I need to be there by 7:15. This means I'm not the first person but I am close to the beginning. I guess that's a good thing. Get the surgeon while he's still relatively fresh in the morning and not tired in the afternoon. So, wish me luck. I'm off to see the surgeon...