Saturday, December 15, 2007

Flashback Friday - growing families

It's time for my first addition to my Flashback Friday blog. I've been thinking quite a bit about what to write about over the last week and didn't have anything...until tonight while I was babysitting my nephew Zack. He is my sister Amanda's son and just turned 2 last week.

I started thinking about the other nieces and nephews I have. I didn't have any until Steve and I got married and then all of a sudden I had 5 nephews and one on the way, all on Steve's side of course. At that time, only my sister Britta was married and they didn't have any children yet.
A month after we got married, my brother Dirk married Sarina, and we got Anna. Anna was 2 when they got married, and seemed to take to our family very quickly. This was a fun time as there were no other grandchildren, so Anna was very spoiled!

We have been married for 6 1/2 years now and Steve's parents have about 16 grandchildren, all boys except for 2, and my parents have 8 grandchildren, 4 boys and 4 girls. As my sister Britta pointed out, this matches my parent's 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls. Some of Steve's siblings are done having children while others are really just starting their families. The oldest grandchild on his side is in high school while the youngest is about 2 months old. On my side, everyone is at beginning. We have Anna at 8 and now Samantha at three weeks or so.

My nieces and nephews mean a lot to me and are a lot of fun. Some of them we don't see often, for different reasons. But when we do see them, sometimes I think I get along better with them than some of the adults!