Monday, February 9, 2009

Nasty Nose

Warning! Rambling post that may not be interesting to anyone at all. Read at your own risk of TMI!

Growing up I never really had many issues with getting sick, except for tonsillitis, which I got frequently. I frequently had 100% attendance in school and HATED missing school. I know, I know, let me do this for you...GEEK!!! Please don't misunderstand, I didn't like school, I just hated missing it. There was this thing with my family, good grades were important.

Tangent alert!

Back to the story at hand. The last few years I have really had some issues with sinus infections, among other issues (my immune system is not what it once was). I remember Britta having a lot of sinus problems as we were teenagers and her having surgery to fix those problems, but never really thought much about it past that. I didn't really understand them and was in my own world since I was graduating high school and going off to college. Sheesh, how insensitive could I be? Now however, I almost always have some sort of nasal issue. What was that called? Karma?

The past week I have struggled with "the cold of death" and I'm pretty sure it was at least a borderline sinus infection but I didn't want to go to the doctor for antibiotics. With my immune system so shot I need every chance I can get for my body to re-train itself to fight. Antibiotics won't give it that chance. So, I've been doing what I can to get rid of it naturally. Last year one of my chiropractors mentioned getting a neti pot. I hadn't ever heard of them but decided to give it a try.

If you haven't heard of a neti pot, look it up. You will find a lot about it. But the important part is, pick one up. It is amazing! Yes, it feels weird. Yes, it is gross. No, you will not find a medicine that clears out more than this will and as quickly (although guifenesin does really help). This week I have reminded myself how much of a difference it makes. I haven't been using it on a regular basis and I really need to. Doing so may prevent sinus infections from ever creeping in and help me avoid surgery (we all know I don't need another one of those). Not to mention saving money and time. Salt and water are much cheaper than a doctor visit and a perscription.

And there you have it folks. The mindless, late night ramblings of me. Isn't your life now complete? Maybe now I can have the energy to save the world. Too much? Fine. Have it your way. I'll just go to bed now.



Britta said...

My friend recently borrowed my neti pot, and actually just returned it today. It would have been nice for my continual sinus infections